Preston Photography

About Me
For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved the beauty of the natural world. When I take a photograph, my goal is to create a photograph that will show you how I see the world, and hopefully inspire you to feel these same feelings.
As a photographer, the world outside my door is my studio and the only equipment required is a camera and a willingness to look for new perspectives. Lighting is whatever is available; the sun, sky, tungsten and neon. We are not restricted by subject or location, only by an obligation to record the world we see with honesty and compassion. More than just exotic locations and wild adventures, photography is about seeing our surroundings with fresh eyes and childlike enthusiasm.
Dean Preston
Equipment: Canon 5D Mark II
Lenses: 24mm - 105mm, 85mm, 50mm

© Dean Preston Photography / Call +61 407 919959 / deansos@yahoo.com